Modèle basé sur les tailles : Pseudo-cohortes rectifiées
0) Preparation
—- English version —-
• This script aims to help demerstem partners in the stock asssessment process. It focus on using a length-based model : rectified pseudo cohort This methodology, developped by Chassot et al (2006; 2008), has been compute in demerstem package. Current data used are from sosso stock in ghana/Côte d’Ivoire on 1974-2019 period.
• This script should be used in addition to the following videos
For theoretical part :
For practical part :
Videos being done in French only, the script in manly described in english, considering online translation is available for everyone
—- Version Française —-
• Ce script vise à accompagner les partenaires du projet demerstem dans la réalisation d’une évaluation de stock avec un modèle basé sur les tailles via la méthode des pseudo-cohortes rectifiées.Nous utilisons ici les données issues de la pêcherie de Sosso dans la zone Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire entre 2006 et 2020.
• Ce script devrait être utilisé en complément des vidéos suivantes
Pour la partie théorique :
Pour la partie pratique :
Les vidéos étant présentées en Français, les scripts sont principalement décrits en anglais.
0.1) Packages installation
1) Data extrapolation
As described in the previous analysis using LBB, LF must be extrapolated accordingly to seasonal and fisheries variations. Hence, the first step will be to extrapolate the samples to the population (total catches) using the landings. This will give us the total number of individuals caught for each length sampled. Before that, we need to study data
Figure 1 - Landings from demerstem project (2020 sampling). Data from San Pedro were removed
Some months are missing, hence we choose to extrapolate data by quarter
#> # A tibble: 8 × 3
#> # Groups: gear [2]
#> gear step_time capture
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Artisanal 1 1153.
#> 2 Artisanal 2 1042.
#> 3 Artisanal 3 1046.
#> 4 Artisanal 4 1132.
#> 5 Industrial 1 1206.
#> 6 Industrial 2 1124.
#> 7 Industrial 3 1155.
#> 8 Industrial 4 1176.
Figure 2 - Extrapolated catches for P. senegalensis by gear and quarter in 2020
2) Polymodal decomposition
After various analyses and by considering the limited number of modes identified, it has been decided to make an assessment by quarter with 3-age groups.
The constraint is applied from the average length calculated from the growth model. A first polymodal decomposition is performed without constraining the standard deviation. Then, a linear model is performed on the standard deviations for this purpose. In particular, the linear model was adjusted for ages 1-3 because the estimated standard deviations for ages below 1 and greater than 3 are highly variable due to the lack of observations for small and large fish.s. The constraint model established using the growth estimates from Demerstem study case is also considered for the second model, using growth estimates from previous literature.
2.1) First polymodal decomposition : with constraints on “mean” only
### First polymodal decomposition : with constraints on mean ONLY
espece <- "P. senegalensis"
Linf <- 44.4 # Asymptotic length
K <- 0.34 # Growth parameter
t0 <- -0.24 # theoric age for length 0 cm
ngroup <- 3 # number of age group we want to detect
fixmu <- rep(T, ngroup) # We fix the mean length at age using growth parameters estimated/from literature : We specify 'TRUE'
fixsigma <- rep(F, ngroup) # We want to get an estimation of sigma : We specify 'FALSE'
step_time = 4 # We will try to examine at a quarter level.
mixdist_polymod(data_freq = data_freq_mixdist,
step_class = 1, # bin size
step_time = step_time,
ngroup = ngroup,
fix_mu = fixmu,
fix_sigma = fixsigma,
sigma_adjust = 2,
get_lmsd = T, # We will perform a linear model with these data
plot = T)
#> ----------------------------------------------
#> Polymodal decomposition of length frequencies
#> -----------------------------------------------[1] 1 2 3 4
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 0.125 1.125 2.125
#> [1] 5.181857 16.485690 24.531422
#> Warning in mix(data_mix[[i]], param, dist = "norm", emsteps = 100,
#> mixconstr(conmu = "MFX", : The optimization process terminated because either
#> the estimates are approximate local optimal solution or steptol is too small
#> Warning in sqrt(diag(vmat)): Production de NaN
#> [1] 2
#> [1] 0.375 1.375 2.375
#> [1] 8.377654 18.760363 26.150467
#> Warning in mix(data_mix[[i]], param, dist = "norm", emsteps = 100,
#> mixconstr(conmu = "MFX", : The optimization process terminated because either
#> the estimates are approximate local optimal solution or steptol is too small
#> Warning in mix(data_mix[[i]], param, dist = "norm", emsteps = 100,
#> mixconstr(conmu = "MFX", : Production de NaN
#> [1] 3
#> [1] 0.625 1.625 2.625
#> [1] 11.31303 20.84968 27.63758
#> Warning in mix(data_mix[[i]], param, dist = "norm", emsteps = 100,
#> mixconstr(conmu = "MFX", : The optimization process terminated because either
#> the estimates are approximate local optimal solution or steptol is too small
#> [1] 4
#> [1] 0.875 1.875 2.875
#> [1] 14.00921 22.76874 29.00351
#> Warning in sqrt(diag(vmat)): Production de NaN
#> [1] ""
#> sd age prop L
#> 1 14.178043 0.125 1.702690e-61 5.181857
#> 2 2.295833 1.125 5.703258e-02 16.485690
#> 3 3.425018 2.125 9.429674e-01 24.531422
#> 4 14.622893 0.375 1.859923e-43 8.377654
#> 5 2.481967 1.375 3.013105e-01 18.760363
#> 6 2.986246 2.375 6.986895e-01 26.150467
#> 7 93409.014115 0.625 2.347446e-03 11.313033
#> 8 1.999072 1.625 4.158027e-01 20.849679
#> 9 3.491219 2.625 5.818498e-01 27.637580
#> 10 2.817684 0.875 7.439573e-08 14.009214
#> 11 2.534673 1.875 7.323671e-01 22.768740
#> 12 2.962324 2.875 2.676329e-01 29.003511
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 2
#> [1] 3
#> [1] 4
#> [1] ""
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: sd
#> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#> age 1 1.09506 1.09506 7.3382 0.03516 *
#> Residuals 6 0.89537 0.14923
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 1.4802759 0.4960328 2.984230 0.02450225
#> age 0.6458842 0.2384298 2.708907 0.03515710
#> [1] 0.4751907
2.2) Second polymodal decomposition : with constraints on “mean” and “sd”
A second model is then applied with a constraint on mean and standard deviation length-at-age using the previous linear model for two growth model estimates (Figure 9)
We perform a second analysis in order to discuss final results. The process is similar
Figure 3 - Polymodal decompostion of length frequencies on P. senegalensis with constraints on the standard deviation for two different growth law (solid line correspond to the model with Demerstem estimates and dashed line to the model with literature estimates)
Knowing the proportions of catch-at-length by fishery, the polymodal decomposition give us a vector of catch-at-age by fishery (Table 1) which can be used in a rectified pseudo-cohort analysis. When the number of catches is too low, the value of ‘1’ is arbitrarily assigned.
Age | C_ind_dem | C_art_dem | C_ind_lit | C_art_lit |
0.125 | 1 | 1 | 79,267 | 3,869 |
0.375 | 1 | 1 | 2,510,398 | 199,502 |
0.625 | 63,874 | 4,470 | 2,953,438 | 775,057 |
0.875 | 1 | 1 | 6,154,099 | 2,815,967 |
1.125 | 1,212,089 | 1,003,014 | 8,549,166 | 9,451,025 |
1.375 | 4,214,088 | 965,433 | 7,593,659 | 5,567,263 |
1.625 | 5,488,490 | 1,814,812 | 6,466,832 | 5,218,172 |
1.875 | 8,408,418 | 4,527,312 | 4,072,806 | 4,428,383 |
2.125 | 9,423,622 | 9,992,497 | 2,007,279 | 1,540,618 |
2.375 | 6,300,438 | 5,978,125 | 410,470 | 1,176,794 |
2.625 | 4,133,998 | 4,544,787 | 266,092 | 370,840 |
2.875 | 1,820,072 | 2,764,875 | 1,587 | 47,838 |
Using the growth estimates from literature impacts strongly the catches distributions due to a superior \(L_{\infty}\) increasing the length for younger fish. Thus, the polymodal decomposition indicates more little fish are caught with this model.
3) Rectified pseudo-cohort analysis
=> Requires :
- Catch at age for the last year (mean over 3 year) (done in the previous part)
- Effort over the study period
- Natural mortality at age
- Recruitment over the study period
3.1) Effort over the study period
In Ghana, time series supplied by Fisheries Commisions of Ghana are monthly informing effort for each fishery. These information are presented by quarters (Figure 2). The effort, which is in fishing days for each fishery, of the Artisanal is 100 times bigger than the others. Overall, efforts and global catch are showing important variations over time.
In Côte d’Ivoire, efforts are only known for the Industrial fishery. Catches are only known by year from 2008 to 2018 for Pseudotolithus spp (Figure 3). Hence, Pseudotolithus senegalensis are reconstituted from scientific survey, which indicates it represent a mean and assumed constant of 77% of the observations. We estimate catches in 2020.
The analysis is done by taking into account quarters between 2018 and 2020.
Considering CPUE constant over the period, effort by fishery are standardized in the unit of industrial fishery. In addition, effort being unavailable in Côte d’Ivoire for Artisanal fishery and only in 2018 for the Industrial fishery, it is assumed efforts in Ghana are representative for both countries. We compute Industrial and Semi-Industrial together.
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'year_quarter', 'pecherie', 'year',
#> 'quarter'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
3.2) Natural mortality estimation
Natural mortality, noted \(M\), is estimated with Lorenzen method (Lorenzen et al, 1996; Powers, 2014; Lorenzen, 2022). Lorenzen (2000) higlighted the existence of an allometric relationship between \(M\) and fish weight :
\[ {M_W = M_u \cdot W^d} \quad \quad \text{(5)} \]
Where \(M_W\) is the natural mortality for a given weight, \(M_u\) is M at unit weight (in gram) and \(d\) an allometric exponent from empirical relationships varying with the ecosystem. In this case, considering marine fish in a tropical ecosystem, we will assume \(d = -0.21\) and \(M_u = 3.08\).
According Powers (2014) and following Lorenzen (1996, 2000), current applications of equation (5) in stock assessments often use the following relationship :
\[ {M_t = M_{\infty} \cdot (1-e^{-K(t-t_0)})^{-b(0.21)}} \quad \quad \text{(6)} \]
where \(K\) is the growth rate, \(t_0\) is the age at which length is zero for the von Bertalanffy model, and the allometric relationship is \(W = aL^b\). Given that the von Bertalanffy and length–weight parameters are known, then the mortality rate schedule is defined by the Lorenzen parameters \(M_{\infty}\) and \(d = -0.21\). Note that the scale of the mortality rate schedule in equation (6) is provided by the parameter \(M_{\infty}\), where \(M_{\infty}\) is based on maximum age (Hoenig, 1983) or other life history characteristics (Pauly, 1980). In this case it is arbitrary fixed to 0.2. Natural mortality estimates are done for both model and represented in Figure 10.
The natural mortality, computed by an-1, has to be divided by the step_time (quarter in this study)
Figure 4 - Natural mortality estimates using Lorenzen methods for two different growth parameters estimates.
Recruitment occurs all along the year and its variations are implemented based on the study of Tia et al (2017), who describes P. senegalensis highest recruitment in April.
3.3.) Model execution
3.3.1) First model
Then, knowing extrapolated catch-at-age in number for each fishery, natural mortality, growth estimates, recruitment and effort variations, we can apply the rectified pseudo-cohort analysis after calibrating the FT as the mean of the three precedent quarters, which provide F and N estimates (Figure 4).
3.3.2) Second model
#> Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#> ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
Figure 4 - (a) Total catch at age in 2020 (b) Fishing mortality at age (c) Numbers at age by rectified pseudo-cohort analysis for two different growth estimates (Demerstem: strong line. Literature : dashed line)
As previously identified, catch-at-age are strongly fluctuating between models and it has important consequences on the abundance and fishing mortality estimates. The fishing pattern indicates a high fishing mortality for last age groups (2-3 years) in both model. Note that abundance is increasing because recruitment is considered during the whole year.
Finally, the yield per recruit diagnosis for the stock of P. senegalensis of Ghana-Côte d’Ivoire varies greatly depending on the model. Nevertheless, using \(F0.1\) as a proxy to estimate \(F_{MSY}\) and \(B_{MSY}\) (Deriso, 1987; ICES, 2016) indicates an overexploited stock, i.e. the fishing effort applied during the period 2018-2020 exceeded the fishing effort corresponding to the maximum yield per recruit (Figure 5).
#> Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "axes" n'est pas un
#> paramètre graphique
#> Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "axes" n'est pas un
#> paramètre graphique
Figure 5 - Stock assessment of P. senegalensis in Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire for the different growth parameters examined, demerstem (solid curves) and literature (dotted curves).
#> V32
#> 504.4269
#> [1] "B/Bproxydem = 3.23"
#> [1] "B/Bproxydem = 0.76"
#> [1] "F/Fproxylit = 3.85"
#> [1] "B/Bproxylit = 0.45"
Estimated \(F/F_{MSY}\) and \(B/B_{MSY}\) indicating current stock status (2020) are
{F/F_{proxydem} = 3.2} \
{B/B_{proxydem} = 0.76} \[ \] {F/F_{proxylit} = 3.85}\
{B/B_{proxylit} = 0.45} $$
4. Discussion
As shown by Schwamborn, (2018), the lack of large individuals may affect the performance of length-based methods, as it will inevitably underestimate the asymptotic length by the common \(L_{max}\) approach (estimating asymptotic length from the maximum length in the sample). In addition, large individuals may become scarce in over-exploited fisheries (Barnett et al., 2017; Hiyama and Kitahara, 1993), and this impacts the accuracy of growth estimates based on length frequencies (Wang et al, 2023). However, these growth parameter estimates are necessary to work with polymodal decomposition. Therefore, we have performed an analysis using two different growth estimates, one from demerstem samples (2020) and estimates from previous literature. As suggested by previous literature (Barnett et al, 2017; Schwamborn, 2018; Wang et al, 2023), this might influence results when large individuals are missing by affecting the accuracy of growth estimates based on LFQ and the performance of length-based methods .
In fact, the asymptotic length (\(L_∞\)) value is a key parameter of initial life-history, and sensitivity analysis showed that biases on \(L_∞\) has a strong influence on the reference points of conservation of mature individuals, spawning potential ratio, fishing mortality and the biomass relative to the maximum sustainable yield (Froese et al, 2018, Hordyck et al, 2019, Medeiros-Lea, et al, 2022). Hence, misleading estimates of this parameter in the case of a lack of large individuals is due to a stock being overfished would greatly impact the diagnostic.
Moreover, considering data quality, several hypothese, in addition to model assumptions, were assumed, most often to fill the data gap in catch or length frequencies time series. Depending on the growth law applied, pseudo-cohort analysis exhibits strong differences in the estimates of \(B_{MSY}\) and \(F_{MSY}\) proxies.
Hence, in this study case, the lack of reliability of certain input data means that the diagnosis must be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the multiplicity of methods and results makes it possible to propose a diagnosis of overexploitation of the stock. Thus, catch and effort should be reduced and minimum landing size should be increased. In addition, sampling needs to be strengthened to obtain better quality in ageing data (e.g. sclerochronology, otolithometry, mark/recapture). However, as stock identity (Garcia et al, in prep) suggested different stocks of P. senegalensis in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, further studies are needed.
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