Using square mesh panels to reduce discarding of horse mackerel,

mackerel, blue whiting and juvenile hake in the Basque pair trawl fishery

Target species:

Area, Vessel
21 hauls took place during several cruises in 2015 and 2016 in the Basque pair trawl fishery.
Gear type:

Gear modification
The effectiveness of 86 mm and 100 mm mesh size SMPs in conjunction with a 100 mm diamond mesh codend were tested. A small mesh cover is used to catch the fish which escape through the SMPs.

There is no significant difference between hake that escape through the 86 mm and the 100 mm SMPs. A large percentage of hake escaping through the 86 and 100 mm SMPs is undersized (87 and 64%, respectively). Nevertheless some marketable fish (> 27 cm) escape from both SMPs: 8% from the 86 mm SMP and 6% from the 100 mm SMP.
Further information:
Luis Arregi:

Citation :
Arregi, L. , 2017. Using square mesh panels to reduce discarding of horse mackerel, . In O’Neill, F.G. and Mutch, K. (Eds): Selectivity in Trawl Fishing Gears. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 8 No 1.