using a modified Nordmore grid

to sort out fish bycatch in a crustacean fishery

Target species:
Nephrops, rose shrimp and red shrimp

Area, Vessel
5 hauls were carried out in the crustacean fishery on the Portuguese south coast on board the FV Costa Sul (24.0m, 600 HP) during November 2004.
Gear type:

Gear modification
Using a modified Nordmore grid with a lower opening passage and a guiding funnel. The system was designed to sort out fish bycatch while retaining crustaceans.

The grid sorted out (i) 93.3% of blue whiting (ii) 86.8% of unmarketable hake (iii) 69.6% of marketable hake (iv) 4.3% of marketable rose shrimp and (v) 5.9% of marketable Nephrops.
Further information:
Aida Campos – Paulo Fonseca –

Citation :
Campos, A. and Fonseca, P. , 2017. using a modified Nordmore grid . In O’Neill, F.G. and Mutch, K. (Eds): Selectivity in Trawl Fishing Gears. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 8 No 1.