removing codend lifting bags

to reduce capture of undersized haddock and whiting

Target species:
Haddock and whiting

Area, Vessel
26 hauls using the covered codend technique took place East of Orkney (ICES area IVa) on board the Aalskere K373 (33.9 m, 298 kW) during June 2001
Gear type:
single trawl

Gear modification
A single trawl was fished with (i) a 110 mm codend (ii) a 110 mm codend with a 265 mm lifting bag (iii) a 120 mm mesh codend and (iv) a 120 mm codend with a 265mm lifting bag.

Removing the lifting bag from 110 mm and 120 mm codends reduces the catches of smaller sizes of haddock. There is no effect on the large haddock sizes ranges (> 42 cm).
Further information:
Kynoch et al., 2004. The effect of strengthening bags on codend selectivity of a Scottish demersal trawl. Fish Res. 68, 249-257

Citation :
Kynoch, R.J. et al. , 2017. removing codend lifting bags . In O’Neill, F.G. and Mutch, K. (Eds): Selectivity in Trawl Fishing Gears. Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol 8 No 1.